Monday, October 09, 2006

First entry

There is a lot of 'first' in life.
Just like this entry, being my first entry in this blog.

However, this is not my first day of training Karate.
I have been doing it since 15 years ago.

But what does number of years tell? They might be able to depict the quantity of training that one have been through, but hardly tells the quality of training that one has underwent. This 15 years of training, some of them are tough, harsh, and those are the times that i really grow and become stronger. There are also time when the training was done half heartedly. These trainings makes up the duration, but never built any strength in me, both physically and mentally.

And I decided once more, I shall walk on the path of Karate.
This blog is for me to leave my footprints in the path of Karate.


Blogger Borrego said...


1:21 AM  

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