Saturday, October 14, 2006

Mokusou 黙想

It helps in focusing, it helps in concentrating.
If it is done correctly.

Suddenly I remember, there is once when i did my 型 (kata) calmly.

It was in a competition. The place was never quiet, as usual. People will just talk at their top of their voice, giving comment here and there.
I step into the starting position, demarcated with a red cross made with masking tape. I took a breath and take a bow of 50degree, with my eyes close for that 0.5second. When i raise my head, and announce my kata, 観空大 (kankudai), the environment change all in a sudden.
I was no longer in the arena, but at another place, bright and clear as the sky.
Moving around without thinking, executing each and every technique as if they are all my reflex action. The heart was calm, and I felt a peacefulness within me.

Until the end, when i open my eyes, I am back at the competition mat.

That was a moving meditation. I never knew how I did that, and couldn't do that again. But i hope that i wil be able to feel that again, finding peacefullness that stregthen me to face this chaotic world.

Toaday's 一言:
Chin in, neck relax, shoulder relax. Just breath and think of breathing only~


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