Monday, October 16, 2006

Moving In

Suddenly my brain can't remember what word was that. But, it basically means move in.

In sparring, one of an important thing is judging of distance. You need to judge the distance to know whether is one able to attack or not. One need to know the distance well to make sure the pull back is just enough to evade the punch and ready to counter attack.

All of us move about in the same distance. What happens normally is when one moves in, the other move back. The distance ramained the same, and thus one will not be able to attack. So, one will need to train oneself to be able to move more than the opponent, to close up the distance, to prepare for the attack. Even if the opponent attack when one is closing up, one should be swift enough to counter the attack.

Attack while moving in.

This is what Sensei has told me before. But, I still can't find the courage to move in. Reason? Lack of experience. I only know i will be hit when i move in, and that will be painful. But is that real? Those are just my imagination. I tried to force myself in, and took a few punch because not fast enough in blocking them. Apparently, my body is tougher than i thought.

Tried it a few times again, and got hit in the face.
Unlike body, it is never trained or build to be punched.
"In our time, to get hit in the face, is a shameful thing to happen. So, must never let your opponent get your face!"
Sensei's words suddenly floats in my mind.

Ah... I need to move in, and be not afraid.
Body can take punches, but not the face. But there are some punch, that is too heavy for me to take it as well.
Courage... more courage is needed to move in...

I guess my growth of mental and physical is not on par. Mentally, there is still a lot of fear. Perhaps it is this fear which prevents me from putting myself into danger, and this same fear as well, hinders me from moving in.
Or, are these two fear the same?
Perhaps, there is still a lot that i need to learn.

Today's 一言:
More training required~ Mentally and physically~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean "Maai"?

Anyway, just wanna share with you my strategy when closing in...
When I am far from opponent I tend to let my guard drop to prepare to block a kick. My guard gets higher the closer I am to my opponent to protect my face. I found out that people tend to punch face when they are in close quarters...

Cheers =)

11:35 PM  

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