How many variation of punches there can be?
A lot. Even just straight punch, you can made a lot of variation with it. Different speed extending different length, twist or no twist, etc.
First we do Kizami and gyaku, then we do doubel gyaku.
One thing that Leong Lok Senpai stressed about when punching the second gyaku tsuki is that, extend fully the back leg while the punching hand lands on the target. While pulling back the hand, retract the back leg at the same time as well.
There are a lot of minor minor problems in the juniors. Something that I notice about Jonathan today.
1. Giving out signals before attacking. Recoiling his back hand, and recoiling his front legs are both giving off signals.
2. Not retracting the hand in a straight line manner. Although in the end, Leong Lok Senpai said that it could be used to his advantage, but he didn't explain further how.
A junior asked me how to counter a gyakutsuki-gyakutsuki combination attack.
My standard political answer - Depends, and it really depends on too many things.
Today's 一言:Cut your finger nails before training
A lot. Even just straight punch, you can made a lot of variation with it. Different speed extending different length, twist or no twist, etc.
First we do Kizami and gyaku, then we do doubel gyaku.
One thing that Leong Lok Senpai stressed about when punching the second gyaku tsuki is that, extend fully the back leg while the punching hand lands on the target. While pulling back the hand, retract the back leg at the same time as well.
There are a lot of minor minor problems in the juniors. Something that I notice about Jonathan today.
1. Giving out signals before attacking. Recoiling his back hand, and recoiling his front legs are both giving off signals.
2. Not retracting the hand in a straight line manner. Although in the end, Leong Lok Senpai said that it could be used to his advantage, but he didn't explain further how.
A junior asked me how to counter a gyakutsuki-gyakutsuki combination attack.
My standard political answer - Depends, and it really depends on too many things.
Today's 一言:Cut your finger nails before training