Friday, April 11, 2008


The varsity competition is officially cancel, due to their school strong objection of holding it.

I don't know whether should the blame be put on them. Well, they are to be blamed, but not completely as well. There is this other party that they have no control of as well.

Talking to the team, a lot of them are dissapointed. Not because of there is no competition, but because of not able to go to the competition together. Yes, next year there will be competition, and most likely it will be organized without problem. Yes, there are other competition in between as well that we can participate. But the people who will be participating may be different. Some of us has graduated, some of us will be going for exchange and not around.

This is team spirit.

Not only about competing and winning, but going there as a team, supporing each other, cheering for each other, consoling each other.

Feel so touched.

Today's 一言: Team spirit above all.


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