Thursday, October 19, 2006

Old style

Did a few 型(Kata) today. Kankusho was one of them.
Did it with another 3rd Dan Senpai (or sensei?).

Realize that there are several parts that are different. I told her that the way that i normally do, and she said, "ah! Those are the old ways of doing it."

Even in Karate, we see changes. People, from time to time modify the movement slightly, here and there. Personally, I don't really like this kind of modification, and i tend to stick to the way that i used to do it, the very first time when i learn them.

In between the old style and the new style, which is better?

Different people have different view towards this. But to me, it is all the same, but merely preferance. Any one is alright, as long as it is done in the way that it is suppose to be. It is a good training to the body and the mind as well.

So I will just stick to the old style.

Today's 一言:
Stubborn old boy!


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