Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Camp (4)

Don't think of force only. Must use brain.

This is kind of a pet line for Yamada Sensei. He emphasizes a lot on the basic movement, how should the body be moving instead of straight to the point where he wants every one to pump in all the force that they have.

Throughout his training, it always start off with the slower movement (with his own unique rhythm), where he focus on the steadiness, the control of the body, focus. Only after several repetition, then we will try to put in force to punch harder, to hit harder.

Perhaps because I started training when I was young. When I was young, I don't have that much energy to execute a daunting punch. To compromise for that, I learn to maneuver my body, making use of all the possible movement that can enhance my punches.

I like this idea, of always knowing the basic movement before we start to put in speed and force. But a lot of Juniors somehow are still not fond of this idea.

Today's 一言:I shall continue with my basic training.


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