Thursday, May 03, 2007


How well can you control your punch, your kicks?
How well can you contorl your movement?
How well can you control your mind?

One junior was telling me that he felt that he hurt his leg because of kicking.
Is it common? Is it unavoidable? He asked.

I think it is common, but it is avoidable.
When we kick, we should not be just thinking of kicking out. Especially when we are kicking air, we shouldn't just kick by just simply throwing our leg out as fast as we can, as powerful as we can. We should control it, control your kick so that it is not continuously thrusting forward still when it is fully straighten. Ideally, it should come to a stop when it is fully straighten, so there won't be any 'extra' forces that is still bringing it forward, causing the knee to experience a tension and hurting the knee.

Today's 一言: Take control


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