Monday, August 13, 2007


CMAD is coming up.
This year, I wanted the juniors to get onto the stage. From my point of view, it is just a good chance for them to have the exposure, and a target to hit, an objective to attain, something to aim, to train and to improve.

Perhaps there is one major thing that I forgot about. The performance is not only about us, but also the name of the dojo, and the name of sensei. Although I trust that they will have enough time to practice and to improve, but how far will they able to go is something that I myself is not sure.

Luckily today when they did, it looks better. There is some clear improvement in them, but having said that, there are still plenty of room for improvement. But improvement takes time and practice, and perhaps is hard to attain especially in this era when study and school work should be given the higher priority comparing to training and practicing.
Even for myself, I notice that although I have been practicing and training alone when I felt like doing so, the improvement in me is so minute and perhaps insignificant. I need more intensive training, but sadly I can't devote that much time for it.

In anycase, it is certainly heart warming to see the juniors started to show some improvement. And I really hope that the improvement will carry on.

Today's 一言: Bit by bit, it is still improvement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! They proved me wrong. They did improve quite a lot. But still gotta drill them to be sharper.

Seems like NUS Karate now can have more than 2 of us performing all the time already! LOL

10:26 AM  

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