Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Camp (5)

"You can actually kick well, but you just keep on pulling back."

The Hong Kong sensei commented on my kick when watching my fight in IVP in the video.

I remember there is this one time when i was telling this Junior, saying that don't be afraid of hitting your oponent. By doing so, you are just underestimating your oponent, thinking lowly of them, that they couldn't block you, they couldn't even take a controled punch.

I am not too sure does the same theory applies to me. I am afraid of kicking for I can't control my kick well. If I want to kick it fast and make it fully extended, it is almost like throwing my whole leg out without any further control.

Today's 一言:Control

So, should I be kicking so? Perhaps not.
The remedy? Kick more and to learn how to control a fast kick.


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