Friday, November 03, 2006


It has been about a month since we last train under Sensei.
Kind of obvious that today his training is to let the newly promoted 8th kyu to have some foundation and basic in sparring.
One question seisei asked is what is the two main part in kicking, to make the kick powerful?
Most of our answer were knee and "jyousokute".
Sensei said no. It should be the ankle and the knee. They should be tighten and not soft. If the ankle is stiffen, then so wil the 'jyousokute'.
Thinking carefully, that is true as well. Even if we were able to generate all the power, but if the knee and the ankle are 'soft', it will just divert the power or spread out the force.

Did basic sparring with Ivan today (again?). Although he is a right hander, his left hand 逆突き(gyaku tsuki) is much faster than the right hand. I thought perhaps it is due to his withdrawing hand is right hand, but not sure still.

Anyway, am thinking how heavy is my punch actually.
I thought i didn't put much energy in the punch, but apparently it is quite heavy. I know the idea of controling my punch, but i just still don't get the idea which is the heaviest punch that i can use in kumite training.


Got my certificate today. Given 4th Kyu.
Haha.... now I am officially converting to shitoryu.
In shitoryu, I am still a begginer.
Still, there are a lot for me to learn.

Today's 一言:
Need to learn 心波/新破(Shimpa), 慈恩(jion), 抜塞大(basaidai), and 征遠鎮(seienchin)


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