Monday, March 03, 2008


It has been a long time since I last updated this blog.
The excuse is I am busy with other stuff. Well yes, it is just an excuse.

Competition is coming up, and everyone is busy training.
Me too, is doing all the training together. Although I am just doing the physical exercise only most of the time. When it comes to basic, punching one two, and kick, I have been quite passive, standing aside and watch only.

I thought they need more attention, so that they know which way to move forward.
Well, I thought.

I also thought that they are 'mature' enough to start to explore on their own. I purposely (or accidently?) went to training 30 minutes later on the training last Saturday, wondering who will be leading the warming up. It is just warming up, all of them have been doing with us for so many times, they should by now know what are the exercise to do.
But it was a bit dissapointing to find out that they are just lingering around there waiting for me.

I made it clear to them, telling them what I am able to tell them, to show them, to teach them is just that much. They will need to take the initiative to train themselves, to level-up themselves so as to be able to perform the more complicated technique. Nevertheless, first and foremost will be the basic. They need to get it right.
I also spell out to them, that they should start to explore themselves, new techniques and try it out on each other. They should learn from each other, tell your partner, discuss with your partner, why you think certain technique work, certain technique doesn't.

Having said those, I felt really heartening to see them performing their kata in grading today. I can vividly feel the difference of the kata. I can see the form, they are all nicely done. Comparing the kata did by us and by other school, the difference is simply obvious.

Yes, practice make a lot of differences.

And yea, I have no idea why this time round I have been putting a bit more effort in my 'basic' training. I have been doing 50 push up, 50 sit up everyday, and some other funny funny training to train the 'core muscle'. I have also been hitting sand bag, trying to make my punch more firm and able to drive through.
Well, I am not sure how much does it help with my kumite, especially when I haven't really been fighting.

But I am sure it will be a lot of help to my Kata. But just that it serve as the basic tools. I still need to find time to brush up them. After this Sunday, when I know how many kata I will need to prepare, I guess then only I will be spending more time in practicing my kata again.

Practice, I really need more of them.
And hopefully all of the others will be putting in more effort with their practice as well. Well not only those who are practicing hard now, but also those who will be joining us.

Today's 一言:You guys are improving.


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